Category Archives: Latest News

Supporting TT in Schools

North Ayrshire TT Club has several ideas and programmes being launched in the coming months to promote and support table tennis activities in our area and local schools. One of our initiatives is the support / colleges which run table tennis during and after school.

While we cant deliver or help deliver sessions in schools due to the COVID-19 restrictions, we are offering equipment, club materials and online opportunities to help PE teachers, senior pupils deliver better and higher quality TT sessions.

What we have on offer

– Table Tennis Tables (on loan basis)
– Cluster Equipment Packs (see below)
– Coaching Tools
– TT Scotland Online CPD Coaching Courses
– TT Maintenance (Fixing broken equipment)

TT Tables ( on loan basis)
We have a number of table tennis tables to give out on loan basis to support existing activities or NEW classes in schools which show interest in delivering the sport. If it would help your school to have an extra 1 or 2 tables so less people are sitting off, let us know and we will see what we can do.

Each Cluster Equipment pack includes 
– 25 bats
– 4 stretchy nets
– 2 full size nets
– Box of practise balls
– Skill cards – made by us
– FREE passes to club sessions
– Club Flyers

We aim to give each cluster or academy in North Ayrshire a pack which can be used in their cluster as and when they please.

Online Intro to TT Coaching Course
We have a couple of dates agreed with TT Scotland for online “Intro to TT Coaching Course” which is ideal for anyone wanting to learn about the basics of table tennis and how to deliver a session on it. We hope to open this up to anyone wanting to do it and is perfect for players, students, senior pupils and PE staff. We will be contacting schools and partners to discuss this in coming days.

TT Maintenance
We have many volunteers at club who help fix tables, barriers and nets and help our club maintain a range of high quality equipment throughout the season. If any school, college or venue have broken tables, please let us know and we can take visit and see if its repairable and if its worth fixing. Tables and nets are expensive so its better to fix them as soon as possible.


Thanks to our Sponsors

As always, we say a big thanks to our sponsors and partners of our club who help us fund our projects and help our club achieve our ambitions.

North Ayrshire Ventures Trust

Bribar TT

KA Leisure

Joe Perry – Extra Access Scaffolding

Youth Scotland

NA Community Benefit Fund

The Ayrshire Community Trust

Stanley Morrison Trust

Sporting Chance Foundation

Active Schools

Table Tennis Scotland

AGM Minutes and Report

We held our AGM on February 24th, this was slightly different this year and was our first online AGM. It was well attended and we thank everyone who joined in and shared their thoughts.

Club Sect Jordan McGinlay will send out the minutes of the meeting via email this week and any more comments that you feel are needed please let us know.

As discussed, we have a number of exciting projects and programmes for when we can begin playing again. North Ayrshire TT  have a great group of volunteers and are excited for getting back to some sort of normality and hopefully some sort of season after the summer.

Club positions

Chair – Alex Hughes
Sect – Jordan McGinlay
Treasurer – Billy Main


North Ayrshire TT – Annual General Meeting

24th February 2021


Will be our first online AGM due to the lockdown restrictions, see below email from club secretary Jordan McGinlay and let him know if you are free to attend.

Hi all, 

Hope you are well. 

I’ve spoken to Billy and Alec and we are looking to arrange our AGM for Wednesday 24th February at 7pm. 

I will be sending out the zoom link and agenda nearer the time. 

If anyone has any issues/concerns/ideas they want to raise, feel free to send them over beforehand and we can raise them on the night. 

Hopefully see you all then. 


Player Action Shots

Some player action shots taken at the club before the Christmas break. Pictures taken at the St Peters church hall, Ardrossan. NATTC league players who train and play for the club in various leagues.

Last Weekend for a while – Tier 4

This weekend (18–21st Dec) will be the last weekend of table tennis until at least 18th January as Scot Govt are putting every local authority into tier 4 as of Boxing Day.

Sessions are full tomorrow but free spaces on Monday so let Billy Main know what times you want and who your practise partner is so we can fill up the slots.

If you require a player to play with we can arrange accordingly and will pair you up with someone your level. Email Billy at or DM us on Facebook.

Our sessions have been going well, feedback has been good from all players attending. Thanks to everyone and all the regulars for the help and support ensuring sessions are COVID safe and rules are followed.

Our weekly schedule for past few months have looked like the following ;

1pm – 3pm : Over 50s – 6 spaces
3.15pm – 4.15pm : Over 50s – 6 spaces
4.30pm – 6.30pm – 6 spaces

4pm – 5.30pm : 6 spaces
5.30pm – 7pm : 6 spaces

12pm – 1.45pm : 6 spaces
2pm – 3.30pm : 6 spaces

3pm – 3.15pm : 6 spaces
4.30pm – 6.30pm : 6 spaces

Contactless Payments

Since we have been back up and running from the start of September, we have had to operate a cashless payment system. This has been easy to set up and thanks to everyone who are following the contactless payment rules. Options are paying online by bank transfer every week or via contactless card reader when they arrive. 

If you want to set up bank transfer, let us know and we will send you club details to do so. 

Please continue to adhere to the club’s COVID-19 rules 

On entry 
– Maintain social distancing 
– Wear mask until you are at your table
– Use hand sanitiser on arrival
– Temperature check on arrival
– Head straight to allocated table 

– Stay within your own court
– Have your own drink / food
– No change of ends
– No change of partners
– Wear mask when leaving the court

– Clean your side of table after playing 
– Put equipment back in your bag before you leave the court
– Use one way system when leaving 

Gertsen Club Workshop – Zoom

Stephen Gertsen and Table Tennis Scotland have relaunched their Online Workshops which Stephen delivers over Zoom on a specific area / part of the game. NATTC have a date booked of January 13th at 7pm so make sure you are free for that and put it in your diary.

Below is the list of what workshops are available, we will discuss with everyone what one is most popular and will go for that. Stephen is able to do 1-1 mentoring sessions with anyone who is part of the national squad, so please look into that and take that opportunity for personalised feedback and tips on your game.

Workshops available include:

  • Developing Concentration
  • Developing Confidence
  • Developing Motivation
  • Dealing with Anxiety
  • Enhancing Behaviour
  • Imagery Techniques
  • Tactical Awareness
  • Men’s Game Specific
  • Women’s Game Specific
  • Taking Responsibility for Your TT Development
  • Service Development
  • Receive Development
  • Analysing and Observing Technique
  • Delivering Engaging Sessions
  • Developing Your Coaching Approach
  • Session and Annual Planning
  • Cornering in matches
  • Club Development

TTS Online Workshops Relaunch!

Bribar Order

We have just placed our second club Christmas order for members and players which will be delivered on 22nd December. If anyone is still wanting to order anything,  Bribar TT are still taking orders up until the 21st December with next day delivery being an option.

Bribar TT are our club sponsors and equipment suppliers and have everything a table tennis player needs. Visit it their website here –


NATTC feature on TTS Advent Calendar

Table Tennis Scotland have been running the #TTSAdvent where a couple of NATTC players have featured in the daily competition.

Day 13 was guess the cho which was recorded pre covid at the WoS Open where the options were out of Edinburgh’s Charlie McGowan, Aberdeen’s Daniel Tibbett and North Ayrshire’s Chad Duncan. Of course it was Chad (pictured below) as the competition winner from that day Callum Riddoch says ” only Chad can get that loud”.

Day 2 was guess the player behind the Santa outfit. Which was Club coach Chris Main hiding behind it (Picture below). A lot of correct answers that day with only a few wrong ones … Get involved on twitter – @tabletennisscot

David Fairholm has hosted his brilliant weekly Zoomcast for 8 months, which started as a way to stay connected in lockdown but has become a much loved regular fixture. The final TTS Fireside session looks back over 29 weeks and 53 guests. This will be on the TTS Youtube channel this coming Monday (21st Dec) at 7pm.