Trickshots & Challenges

During the lockdown, clubs and players across Scotland have been putting in different trick shots and challenges for anyone to try in their home or on their table in the garage.

Club coach Chris Main has set a service challenge for anyone with a dining room table (which is playable on…) or a tt table in their home to try out. WATCH Video here – Chris Main – Service Challenges

Long Fast Serve Challenge

Knock off 3 targets which are placed in each corner and the middle service line. All targets are at the end of your opponents table with the down the line service being played first. See video part 1

Spinning Short Serve Challenge 

Target (cup, bowl) up beside net on opponents side of table. Serve short backspin serve and get the ball spinning back into the target. Easier said than done … See video part 2

TTS Trickshot Challenge 

Martin Johnson was nominated by Table Tennis Scotland to do the #TTSTrickshotChallenge. Martin came up with some great ideas which you can see on his twitter below

Frying pan

Service Challenge

Through the window

We challenge anyone to come up with a creative ideas of their own to send them into TTS twitter page and or our NATTC twitter page.